Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Apr 1932

Vol. 41 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Drinagh (Co. Cork) Barracks.

(Galway) asked the Minister for Justice if he has any information to give to the Dáil in respect of the report in the Press regarding an attack on the Gárda Síochána Barracks at Drinagh, Co. Cork.

I caused an official statement to be issued to the Press on this subject early this month. I shall read for the Deputy's information the following extract from that statement which appeared in the daily papers of 5th April.

"It has been definitely ascertained that the Gárda Síochána station at Drinagh, Co. Cork, was not attacked on the night of Sunday, 13th March, as was alleged; and the further and more detailed allegations that attackers advanced in two sections, each numbering twenty to thirty, that they marched in military formation and that the station was bombarded with stones and bricks, are all unfounded.

"What did occur was that two guards on patrol, at a very considerable distance—between a quarter of a mile and a half mile—from the station, found it necessary to disperse by force a crowd which, it is alleged, assaulted these two guards. This incident appears to have arisen out of a local labour dispute, but as it may possibly be the subject of legal proceedings it appears inadvisable to make any further statement on the matter at present."

Is the Minister aware that a public contradiction of the statement that there was any labour dispute in that locality was published in the Press, and that I can vouch for the truth of that contradiction?

I am not aware that such a statement has been published. I would caution the Deputy to be slow in guaranteeing the accuracy of that statement.

Mr. Murphy

I can and do so absolutely.
