Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 7 Dec 1932

Vol. 45 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cement (Customs Duties Undertaking) Bill.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is prepared now to make a statement as to the reasons for postponing the further stages of the Cement (Customs Duty Undertaking) Bill, 1932.

I am not in a position to add anything to the statement I made in the Dáil on November 30th to the effect that following the Second Reading of the Cement (Customs Duties Undertaking) Bill certain proposals bearing on the establishment of the cement industry in the Saorstát were made to me, and that I desired to have an opportunity of going fully into those proposals before proceeding with the further stages of the Bill. It is not proposed to proceed further with the Bill until after the Recess, when I hope to be in a position to make a full statement to the Dáil.

I did not ask for any addition to what was stated. The last sentence or two used by the Minister for Industry and Commerce on the last day he spoke was: "I would be prepared to make a more definite statement, say, this day week." I want to have that definite statement.

It seems to me that the statement made to-day is more definite than that made on 30th November.

Could we have the answer again as I want to check it against this?

Mr. MacEntee repeated the answer.

How does that differ from what was stated on 30th November? "I should like to inform the House that subsequent to the discussion upon the Cement (Customs Duties Undertaking) Bill in the Dáil a number of proposals"— instead of "certain proposals"—"were made to me with a bearing on the establishment of the cement industry in the Saorstát. I desire to have time to consider these proposals and, consequently, it is not intended to proceed immediately with the further stages of the Bill." Having said that, the Minister said: "I would be prepared to make a more definite statement. say, this day week."

It seems to me that this is a more definite statement, in so far as it is not proposed to proceed further with the Bill until after the Recess.

What he said on 30th November was: "It is not intended to proceed immediately with the further stages of the Bill." The difference is between "immediately" and "until after the Recess." Will the Minister tell me if he has any indication as to the area to which the new proposals relate? Will the Minister tell me if it is merely a happy coincidence that the area in question should coincide with an area where there is to be a by-election?
