Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 15 Feb 1934

Vol. 50 No. 10

Ceistenna-Questions. Oral Answers. - Attack in Tralee.

asked the Minister for Justice if he has received any report from the Gárda regarding an attack made near Bridge Street, Tralee, on the 6th October last on persons who were on their way to attend a political meeting; if any investigations were made regarding this attack; and if any arrests or court proceedings followed or are to be expected.

The attack to which the Deputy refers, the legal proceedings which followed, and the punishment inflicted on the persons convicted of offences on that occasion received the greatest possible publicity in the daily Press. I cannot see that any useful purpose would be served by my taking up the time of the House in repeating facts which are perfectly well known to everybody in the House and outside it.
