Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Jun 1935

Vol. 57 No. 4

Written Answers. - Donegal Unemployment Insurance Claims.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state why the unemployment insurance benefit payable to John McCallion, Ballindrait, County Donegal, ceased on the 8th April in view of the fact that he became eligible for benefit on the 9th January and had over 500 stamps to his credit.

Mr. John McCallion, Ballindrait, made a claim to unemployment insurance benefit on the 1st September, 1934, payment on which was allowed by the insurance officer for 156 days, the maximum number of days' benefit payable to a claimant in any one benefit year, i.e., the period of 12 months immediately following the date of his claim. Payment of any benefit for which Mr. McCallion qualified up to and including the 20th March, 1935, was duly made to him. It then transpired that he had received payment of increased benefit in respect of a dependant for a number of days to which he was not entitled. Certain inquiries had to be made into the matter, and pending their completion payment of benefit was suspended. Arrears of benefit which accrued in respect of the period of suspension were, however, paid to him on the 26th April, less the amount irregularly received by him. This payment exhausted the six months' benefit and Mr. McCallion will not be entitled to further payment before the 1st September, 1935.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state why the application of Denis McCarry, Tubberkeen, Dungloe, County Donegal, for unemployment insurance benefit has not been granted.

Mr. Denis McCarry, Tubberkeen, Dungloe, made a claim to unemployment insurance benefit, which was disallowed by the insurance officer on the grounds that the claimant was not unemployed. On the 14th May, Mr. McCarry appealed against the disallowance to the Court of Referees which, after due consideration of all the facts of the case and having heard what the claimant had to say in support of his appeal, recommended that the claim should be disallowed but gave him leave to appeal to the umpire. The insurance officer agreed with the court's recommendation.
