Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Mar 1936

Vol. 60 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Manufacture of Cement.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will state when a start will be made in the manufacture of cement in this country, and if his attention has been drawn to the abundant supplies of first-class shale and limestone in Skerries area, County Dublin, and the close proximity of supplies of gypsum, and if in these circumstances there is any likelihood of a factory for the manufacture of cement being established in Skerries.

Pending the conclusion of negotiations now in progress for the establishment of two cement factories it cannot be stated when production will commerce. The promoters have investigated the raw materials available at Skerries and elsewhere and this factor will be taken into consideration in the final determination of the sites.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, which is very general and evasive, is there any hope that a cement factory will be established in Skerries?

Dr. Ryan

If it is the most suitable site, yes.

Could the Minister state if the investigations proved that first-class shale and first-class limestone, in close proximity to gypsum deposits in Cavan, were found in the neighbourhood of Skerries?

Dr. Ryan

I could not answer that.

That is the question I asked and it is not answered.

Dr. Ryan

I do not think so.

I asked the Minister if his attention had been drawn to the abundant supplies of first-class shale and limestone in Skerries area, and the close proximity of supplies of gypsum, and if, in these circumstances, there was any likelihood of a factory for the manufacture of cement being established in Skerries. The Minister does not reply to that. What is the use of putting down a question if it is not answered?

Dr. Ryan

That is a statement, not a question.

Ask the next Minister.

The Minister said that investigations had been made?

Dr. Ryan


Can he say if these investigations prove that the assertion I made is correct, or substantially correct, and whether there is a likelihood of a cement factory being established there?

Dr. Ryan

What I have said is that they investigated the raw materials at Skerries and elsewhere. I have not got their opinion on the raw materials.

Will the Minister say when he will be able to give an answer to that question?

Dr. Ryan

I could not say.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, is he aware that cement has increased 6/- per ton in price since January?

Dr. Ryan

I learned that from the last question.

Is the Minister in a position to contradict it?

It does not arise out of this question.
