Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 2 Jul 1936

Vol. 63 No. 7

Committee on Finance. - Vote 18—Secret Service (Resumed).

The Minister was asked last night, and he has had the opportunity since of making the estimate, how much money was spent on Secret Service to the 31st March, 1936?

I told the Deputy that until I received the Appropriation Accounts I could not say.

The report of the remarks of Deputy Dillon last night on this question would seem to indicate that a spy was spying upon him in his own personal business. If he were here now he would correct that statement and say that the spy was in his political headquarters, No. 3 Merrion Square and not in his private business establishment. He also would like to correct another false impression which he may have created last night. He indicated that there was one spy there but he would like to correct that and say that there were two spies there.

Both the one and the other are mythical creatures of Deputy Dillon's imagination.

Question put and declared carried.