I move:
That the Dáil approves of the alterations in the Rules of Court (Orders XXV, XXVI and XXVII) made by the Minister for Justice on the 25th day of July, 1936, under Section 36 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924.
I am informed by the Chief Justice that the rules of which the House is now asked to approve have been agreed to by the Rule-Making Committee and that he regards it as important in the interest of litigants that the new procedure should come into force as soon as possible. The main ideas underlying the proposed new rules are two, viz.:—(1) to have as far as possible one common procedure in appeals to the Supreme Court instead of a variety of different procedures, and (2) to make provision for appeals hitherto unprovided for, viz., appeals from the Land Commission Appeal Tribunal and on legal points raised in the Circuit Court in workmen's compensation cases. I ask the House to approve of the new rules as settled by the Rule-Making Committee.