Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 17 Nov 1937

Vol. 69 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Kildare Estate.

asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission have inspected the lands comprised in the White estate, at Mount Prospect, Rathangan, County Kildare; whether it has been decided to institute proceedings for the acquisition of the lands, and, if so, when it is likely the lands will be acquired.

Mr. Boland

The inquiries which the Land Commission are making regarding the White estate have not yet been completed and no decision has been reached as to whether proceedings for the acquisition of the lands will be instituted.

Will the Minister say whether these inquiries will be completed within a month or two?

Mr. Boland

I cannot say any such thing. When I get the report we will deal with it. Possibly the Deputy knows the amount of preliminary work that has to be done in connection with the acquisition of lands.

Will the Minister see that this matter is expedited?

Mr. Boland

Yes, and I will convey the Deputy's view to the proper quarter.
