Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 27 Apr 1938

Vol. 71 No. 1

Finance (Agreement with United Kingdom) Bill, 1938—First Stage.

I move for leave to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to make such amendments of the law relating to customs, duties of customs, and the importation of goods as are requisite to give effect to the Trade Agreement made on the 25th day of April, 1938, between the Government and the Government of the United Kingdom.

Leave granted.

When is it proposed to take the next stage?

On Tuesday next.

Will the Minister say when it is proposed to circulate this Bill?

I hope that it will be circulated on Friday. It is merely a redaction of the Trade Agreement.

The Bill, I take it, will contain a schedule of the tariffs likely to be affected. Would the Minister consider supplying Deputies with a copy of the existing tariff list, because, I understand, it is impossible to get one in the House at present? That list will have an important bearing on the consideration of the Bill, and, therefore, I think Deputies ought to be able to get a copy of the existing tariffs.

I am surprised that there is not a copy available in the Library.

I have tried there and did not succeed in getting a copy.

We will make provision to ensure that it will be there.

Bill ordered for Second Reading on Tuesday, 3rd May, 1938.
