asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he can state if the dyeing of imported seed wheat will affect germination; if the seed merchants have any of this dyed seed wheat on hands at the end of the sowing season; and if he will give any guarantee that the flour mills will purchase such surplus.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dyeing of Imported Seed Wheat.
asked the Minister for Agriculture whether in order to avoid the dyeing of wheat after the 1st January, 1939, he will issue an order that all home-grown milling wheat should be disposed of to the flour mills before 31st December, 1938, thereby obviating the necessity for dyeing wheat in the year 1939.
I think the more convenient course would be to reply to questions number 1 and number 2 together. The staining of imported seed wheat, if carried out as suggested to importers by the Department of Agriculture, does not in any way affect the germination of the wheat. The stain recommended is harmless and does not penetrate beyond the outer skin of the wheat. The question as to the disposal of any surplus of stained seed that may remain over at the close of the sowing season will be considered if and when it arises. I do not propose to make any order requiring growers to sell their wheat before 1st January, 1939.
Will the Minister undertake that he will do away with this staining?
Of seed left over?
Of imported seed?
Oh, yes.
The merchants may have a big quantity of seed on hands in February, and if the staining does affect the milling quality my suggestion would obviate the necessity for staining.
I think we can deal with that matter all right.
It may be very serious for the merchants, and for the growers also, because the merchants would not get information with regard to that, and if the millers will not accept the stained wheat from the merchants they will be very slow to get in imported seed, and perhaps a number of growers may be left without seed.
We will have to consider that.
The Minister will consider all those matters?