Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 29 Feb 1940

Vol. 78 No. 15

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Flaxseed Supplies (Monaghan).

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he is aware that Monaghan flax growers cannot get supplies of Liral Dominion flaxseed which suits their land; that Belgian seed, which is not satisfactory, is all that is available; and whether he will take steps to make available suitable seed in time for sowing.

I am aware that because of the much increased demand for flaxseed this season, seed of certain pedigree strains, including Liral Dominion, will not be available in sufficient quantity to be equal to the demand. In the circumstances, arrangements have been made whereby such pedigree seed as will be available will be supplemented by a considerable quantity of seed of other well-known varieties similar to those grown in many parts of the flax-growing districts in recent years.

It is not possible to secure further supplies of pedigree seed, but there is no justification whatever for the suggestion that the seed which will be available will be unsuitable for sowing in County Monaghan.

Seed supplies will be available for distribution, through the usual trade channels, in good time for sowing this season.

Arising out of the Minister's reply, I should like to know whether, in the event of certain farmers setting special store on getting supplies of Liral Dominion flaxseed, what facilities would be vouchsafed to them to get supplies through the county agricultural instructors, as in the case of oats and other seeds?

I am not sure if we can do that, but I shall look into that matter.

The Minister will do so?
