Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Mar 1941

Vol. 82 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Calcium Phosphate Deposits.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce when he proposes to publish the report of the commission set up to investigate the deposits of calcium phosphate which exist in County Clare and if he will state (a) the output of crude phosphate rock mined in County Clare since August, 1940; (b) the phosphoric acid content of the crude phosphate rock; (c) its solubility as ground phosphate rock; (d) its solubility as manufactured superphosphate.

It is not proposed to publish the report of the commission which was set up to investigate the deposits of calcium phosphate which exist in County Clare as the facts disclosed in the report relate in part to property which is in private ownership. As regards the other part of the question the information asked for involves certain difficulties, and I would be glad if the Deputy would repeat the question in about a week's time.

In regard to the latter part of the reply I appreciate what the Parliamentary Secretary says, and I will be glad to have the question repeated, but, as to the first part, surely the fact that valuable mineral deposits are in private ownership is no reason why their nature should not be communicated to the House and to the community, inasmuch as Oireachtas Eireann has invested in the appropriate Minister power compulsorily to acquire the property if the Oireachtas thinks it so desirable. How are we to make up our minds as to whether it should be acquired for the benefit of the State if the Minister will not tell us what the nature of the report is? In the case of Slievardagh deposits action was taken.

The Deputy has been in America and he will readily understand me when I say that I am merely "pinch-hitting" in regard to this matter. I do not think that we are entitled to disclose facts which affect people who are not in the public service or in regard to deposits which are on private property. I do not think we are entitled to disclose the private affairs of any man in this House.

I appreciate the Parliamentary Secretary's difficulty, particularly in regard to "pinch-hitting," and I will put down the question at a later date.
