Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Mar 1941

Vol. 82 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Price of Flake Meal.

Mr. Byrne

asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware that the price of flake meal has been recently increased by 1/- per stone, and if he will state the cause of this increase.

I recently received an application from the Flake Oatmeal Millers' Association for an increase in the price of flaked oatmeal due to increased costs of oats and a decrease in the price realised for offals. The application was examined in my Department and as a result I authorised an increase approximating pro rata to the figure mentioned by the Deputy.

Will the Minister tell us what was the increase in the price of oats? It is very hard to understand why this increase of 1/- per stone should take place in the case of flake meal.

Will the Minister state what are the offals arising out of this trade?

That is a separate question.

The Minister has explained that an application was made to him for an increase in the price of flake oatmeal on the ground that the cost of the oats had gone up and there was a decrease in the price of offals. He stated that he had considered those representations and had authorised an increase. I am now asking him what were the offals—what was their volume and how much did they go down in price? I do not believe the offals represent any material element in the cost of this product. Can the Minister give us any information?

If the Deputy wants the information, he can put down a question.

If the Minister is prepared to defend his decision and to justify this increase on the ground that he is satisfied that the price of offals has gone down, surely it is a legitimate supplementary question to ask what are the offals and by how much they have gone down?

I think it would be no harm if the Chair were to give the Deputy some information as to the purpose of a Parliamentary Question. I am not defending any decision; I am merely replying to a Parliamentary query.
