Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Oct 1941

Vol. 85 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Paraffin Oil for Incubators.

asked the Minister for Supplies if, in view of the fact that many owners of incubators have applied without success to his Department for paraffin oil, he will state what arrangements he proposes making in connection with this necessary supply.

Permits to purchase kerosene in the current month have been issued to station holders registered with the Department of Agriculture and to incubator owners who normally incubate throughout the year. It is not proposed to make a general issue of kerosene to the ordinary owners of incubators before the end of this year.

Poultry-keepers in South Wexford are complaining that they can get no paraffin at all. Surely the poultry industry is well worth looking after. These people went to great expense in installing incubators and now they can get no paraffin for them.

All I can say is that every incubator owner whom the Department of Agriculture have registered or who normally incubates through the year, has received a supply of kerosene. Only those who normally do not begin to operate until January have not received it.

If my information is correct, that is untrue.

Are we to take it that the Department of Agriculture have advised the Minister's Department in arriving at a decision?

