Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 May 1942

Vol. 86 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Tipperary Lands.

Mr. Byrne

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state the position regarding the estate of Maria Grace, County Tipperary, Receivable Order Number S.7872, if Miss Grace has been compensated for the loss of her lands; and, if so, to what extent; further if he will say if Miss Grace has yet signed papers giving consent to the taking of the lands.

The estate of Maria Grace comprising 265 acres has been acquired by the Land Commission under the compulsory provisions of the Land Acts, 1923-39 at the price fixed by the Appeal Tribunal of £3,432, payable in 4 per cent. Land Bonds. The lands became vested in the Land Commission on 1st January, 1941, and the purchase money was placed to credit of the estate as from that date.

Miss Grace having refused to give possession of the lands, the Land Commission received possession from the Under Sheriff for County Tipperary on 1st October, 1941, under an order of the Judicial Commissioner pursuant to Section 19, Land Act, 1927. Land Bonds to the nominal value of £847 have been paid out of the price to redeem the revised annuity charged on the lands. The balance—£2,585 in 4 per cent. Land Bonds—remains to be distributed by the Judicial Commissioner among the parties who may be found entitled thereto. When the vendor's solicitor has lodged a statement of ownership and has satisfied the Examiner as to title, the necessary arrangements can be made to bring the matter before the Judicial Commissioner for distribution of the funds.

Mr. Byrne

Is the Minister aware that, a few weeks ago, Miss Grace was evicted from her home in Dublin, is now dependent on friends and has applied for the old age pension? Is the Minister aware that the bonds he is talking about are all going to the bank and that Miss Grace has not signed and will not sign any papers until she is told what small amount she is going to get out of the wreck? Will the Minister see that the unfortunate woman, who was in possession of these lands for many years, will get something? I may say that Miss Grace has not given her goodwill to anyone now in possession and will not until she is told that she will get something from the Land Commission or the bank.
