asked the Minister for Supplies whether, in view of the fact that rationing by means of the ration book has now been introduced, he will state what special arrangements he has made or proposes to make to meet the particular difficulties of public and other institutions, so that a system of rationing by bulk supplies, instead of by individual books, shall apply to such institutions.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Rationing in Institutions.
Clothing is the only article which has been rationed by means of the ration book up to the present. As a general rule, it is not anticipated that the use of individual ration books to obtain supplies of personal clothing for patients or inmates of public institutions will give rise to difficulties. In cases where the use of individual books is not considered feasible and where institutions are authorised to obtain articles other than personal apparel, it is proposed to issue licences representing the coupon equivalent of the supplies sanctioned.