Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Feb 1943

Vol. 89 No. 3

Ceisteanna.—Questions. Oral Answers. - Supply of Cycle Tyres.

asked the Minister for Supplies if he is aware that, as a result of the arrangement whereby cycle tyres are reserved for members of the L.D.F. and L.S.F., many people engaged on essential work of food production, who have to travel considerable distances to and from their work, are unable to procure tyres; and if, in order to ensure regular attendance by people engaged on work of this kind, he will arrange that they get some share of the supply available.

The scarcity of cycle tyres has been caused by the shortage in rubber supplies and there is no foundation for the suggestion in the question that the position has been materially affected by the arrangement to reserve a small part of the available supply of tyres for members of the L.D.F. and L.S.F. I have given careful consideration on many occasions to the possibility of restricting the sale of cycle tyres to persons engaged on essential work, but have found that it would be quite impracticable to attempt to differentiate between the many and varied classes of persons who could justly claim that they require their bicycles for such work. The available supplies of tyres are being distributed to traders on the basis of purchases in the year 1940, and I have been assured by the cycle trade that they are doing their best to ensure that as far as possible tyres will be supplied only to those persons most urgently and immediately in need of them. Arrangements have been made, however, which will result in the quantity of cycle tyres available for general distribution this year being somewhat greater than the quantity available last year.

Does not the Minister consider that men engaged on agricultural work are engaged on essential work? Is he aware that very few men engaged on agricultural work can secure any tyres?

I am fully aware of the fact that men engaged on agricultural work are engaged on essential work.

Will the Minister consider the advisability of devising a scheme that will secure a fair distribution of tyres by traders in the country, especially so far as that distribution affects those engaged on fuel and food production?

The co-operation of traders in that matter is being sought.

Is the Minister satisfied that the traders are carrying out his wishes in the matter?

I do not profess to be.

Does the Minister know that tyres are definitely being given to people in the Defence services——

That is not correct.

——and that people outside those services cannot get a tyre at all?

That is not correct.

It is the position in some districts.

Is the Minister aware that tyres are being given to people with the most money?

That is not correct either.

The Minister should make inquiries.
