Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 18 Apr 1944

Vol. 93 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Presents to Old Age Pensioners.

Mr. A. Byrne

asked the Minister for Finance if he will cause arrangements to be made that will permit of presents or allowances in kind, by food or rent, to recipients of old age pensions, without the means test being applied to the value of the goods or allowances presented, having regard to the fact that there is no statutory obligation on those persons who may provide the gifts.

No account is taken of the value of any gifts or allowances in kind received by an old age pensioner. In calculating the means of a person for old age pension purposes account is taken, inter alia, of the income which that person may reasonably expect to receive during the succeeding year in cash, excluding certain items specifically exempted by law. Gifts by way of cash received by an old age pensioner are not among the items so exempted, and they must accordingly be included in the estimate of his means. I do not propose to amend the law in this respect.

Mr. A. Byrne

Could the Minister say whether, where the relative pays the rent of the old age pension claimant, that rent will be allowed and not taken into account by those investigating the claim?

I could not promise that.

Mr. A. Byrne

The root of the trouble is that anticipation of means in the coming year is not means. That is one of the cases with which we find fault. The investigating officer should assess anticipated means on the letting of a room—which is something to come —on the basis of the previous year's income. I would ask the Minister to consider that point.
