Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 19 Oct 1944

Vol. 95 No. 3

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge.

asked the Minister for Education whether he will make available to Deputies copies of the syllabus and examination papers for the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge.

Copies of the syllabus of this examination and of the examination papers set in 1944 are now available for reference in the Library of An Dáil.

asked the Minister for Education what qualification are required from persons desirous of attending courses leading to the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge.

For the selection of persons to attend the two courses already held (in 1941 and in 1943/44) the qualifications prescribed were a good general education and an excellent knowledge of Irish. Though not prescribed as essential, the following were referred to as desirable qualifications: a knowledge of singing or music; special interest in drama or in Irish dancing and games; experience of social work.

The age limits prescribed for admission to courses were from 21 to 30, with an extension to 35 in cases of applicants with satisfactory teaching experience.

asked the Minister for Education whether he will state the names, qualifications and experience of those who conduct the course for the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge, the number of courses already held, the number of students attending each course, and the percentage of successes at each examination for the Teastas.

Two courses have been held, the first from March to September, 1941, and the second from October, 1943, to June, 1944. The former was attended by 19 students, of whom 18 secured the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge. The second was attended by 22 students, of whom 21 secured the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge.

The instructors who conducted these courses were chosen for the purpose because they had already shown by their work that they possessed in a high degree the special qualifications which the students attending the courses should acquire in order to become successful Irish teachers and organisers. The courses were in charge of Dr. P. E. Ó Súilleabháin, Department's inspector, who has made a special study of language teaching methods and has had considerable experience in the organising of Irish drama, feiseanna and other Gaelic activities. The principal assistant instructor was Aindreas Ó Muimhneacháin, who had been professor of Irish and history and geography in Coláiste Caoimhín, and who had successful experience as an organiser of Irish under vocational education schemes.

Assistance was also given at the courses by instructors who were specialists in certain subjects, viz., Gearóid Ó Lochlainn and Proinnsias Mac Diarmada for Irish drama; Donnchadh Ó Braoin and Pilib Ó Laoghaire for Irish music and choral singing; C. Ní Ruairc for physical training, and M. Barry for drawing. Diarmuid Ó Drisceoil was also employed as an assistant instructor at the second course; he had nine years' experience as a teacher in Coláiste na Rinne, and he has been a very successful organiser and teacher of Irish classes under County Waterford Vocational Education Committee.

In addition to the two courses mentioned, a series of three short summer courses were conducted in the years 1942, 1943 and 1944 for existing teachers of Irish employed under vocational education schemes. An examination for the award of the Teastas Timthire Gaedhilge was held at the conclusion of the 1944 course, at which 41 part-time teachers competed and 14 were successful.
