Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Jun 1945

Vol. 97 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Surplus Barley.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state (a) the estimated quantity of surplus barley after providing for brewing and distilling; (b) the estimated quantity delivered to compound manufacturers to date, and whether, in view of the shortage of pig feeding, he intends to release barley to farmers.

(a) The estimated quantity of surplus barley held by licensed barley dealers after providing for industrial requirements was approximately 125,000 barrels. (b) About 43,000 barrels were made available to former maize meal millers for grinding into barley meal and some of it may have been used in compound feeding stuffs. Portion of this barley is at present in course of distribution. Licensed dealers were also, from time to time during the past five months, authorised to dispose of residues aggregating about 40,000 barrels, all of which was presumably sold ultimately for feeding purposes. I am not at present in a position to say whether any further allocation for feeding purposes can be made.

Is it the Minister's intention to have a carry-over?

A very slight carry-over.
