Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 9 Jul 1946

Vol. 102 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Planting of Mayo Lands.

asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that about 40 acres of land, suitable for tillage and grazing, situate at Bonnifinglas, County Mayo (Perry Knox Gore estate), at present in the hands of the Irish Land Commission, is about to be planted with trees by the Forestry Division of his Department; and if he will take steps to divide this land amongst the local people.

The question appears to relate to part of an area recently acquired by voluntary agreement from Major Knox Gore by my Department for State forestry purposes. This purchase, the area of which is 110 acres, mostly woodland, was offered by the owner specifically for afforestation and is being so utilised. The Land Commission have already in 1940 acquired and divided some 280 acres of Major Knox Gore's lands.

I have a communication from the people in this locality in which they claim that this land being forested is well fitted for agriculture, and also that if it is forested and trees set on this special piece of land they mention, they will be deprived of a way to the river for water. Would it be possible to reinspect these lands with a view to ascertaining whether anything could be done in the matter?

These lands have been acquired by way of free offer from Mr. Knox Gore for forestry purposes. If there is a right-of-way involved, I will have the matter inquired into and see what can be done.
