Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Dec 1946

Vol. 103 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Soldier's Service Gratuity.

asked the Minister for Defence if he will state the period served in the Defence Forces by the late Private Cornelius Troy, Youghal (No. 415784); the amount of short service gratuity to which he was normally entitled by that period of service; the date upon which the cheque for that amount was issued; the reason why the cheque was withdrawn and cancelled; and the reason why the amount is not regarded as the property of the deceased ex-soldier for the purposes of its transfer to his next-of-kin.

The late Private Cornelius Troy served in the Defence Forces from the 9th June, 1941, to the 26th December, 1945. He was, therefore, eligible for a short service gratuity of £4 10s. 0d. under the Defence Forces (Pensions) Scheme, 1937, in respect of that period of service. A payable order for £4 10s. 0d. was issued to him on the 3rd May, 1946. This payable order was returned by his father who stated that his son had been accidentally killed in the previous January and requested that the order be reissued in his name as next-of-kin. As there is no provision in the Defence Forces (Pensions) Scheme, 1937, for the payment of a gratuity to the next-of-kin in such a case, Mr. Troy's request could not be complied with.

Amendments to the scheme are at present under consideration and it is proposed to make provision for the payment of gratuity in this type of case to a dependent relative. I hope to be able to dispose satisfactorily of the late Private Troy's case when these amendments are promulgated.
