Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 24 Apr 1947

Vol. 105 No. 10

Written Answers. - Workmen's Compensation.

Mr. Corish

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is now in a position to state, in respect of the years 1945 and 1946 respectively, details of the proceedings and agreements registered, under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, classified according to the nature of the employment of the applicant, the nature of injury, and the average amount of the compensation awarded or otherwise fixed; further, whether he will furnish, in respect of each of these years, information similar to that set out in Table 116 in the Statistical Abstract for 1940; and also, if he will state whether it is intended to publish the details mentioned, in respect of the years 1940 to 1944 inclusive.

Statistics relating to the proceedings and agreements registered under the Workmen's Compensation Act in each of the years 1945 and 1946 will it is hoped be ready for publication in the June, 1947, issue of the Irish Trade Journal and Statistical Bulletin. The keeping of the special records for the compilation of the other statistics of workmen's compensation, as ascertained from the returns made by insurance companies on behalf of employers, the collection of which was suspended during the period of the recent war, has been resumed by them only as from the 1st January, 1947, and accordingly, figures for the years 1939 to 1946 are not available. The publication of the series of Reports of Statistics of Workmen's Compensation which were published for each year from 1926 to 1938 will be resumed next year.
