Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Dec 1947

Vol. 109 No. 3

Committee on Finance. - Merchant Shipping Bill, 1947—Committee and Final Stages.

Sections 1 and 2 agreed to.

I would like to make a statement in regard to amendment No. 1:—

Before sub-section (4) to insert a new sub-section as follows:—

( ) Whenever a yacht or pleasure boat club is situated in Irish waters it shall not hoist on its club premises, or on the craft of persons who are members of such club, any flag distinctive of nationality other than the national flag, or such specified flag in lieu thereof as may be authorised under warrant in accordance with sub-section (3). —(Mr. O'Neill.)

There are obvious reasons why this amendment could not be accepted. It proposes to regulate the flying of flags on buildings and premises and this is not appropriate to a Merchant Shipping Bill. The flying of the national flags of other countries on yacht club premises would have to be considered in regard to the general question of the flying of these flags throughout the State. There is no legal prohibition on the flying of flags on buildings provided it is not likely to lead to a disturbance of the peace. It is well known that on the occasion of visits of people from other countries or on the occasion of a competition which would involve the attendance of competitors from other countries, the flying of the flag of those countries as a mark of honour and courtesy is a normal procedure.

In regard to the flying of flags on ships, under Section 3 of the Bill Irish-registered or Irish-owned vessels are prohibited from flying any flag other than the Irish national flag or a yacht club ensign approved by the Minister. There is no necessity for an amendment to secure that result. If the amendment was proposed to ensure that Irish-owned yachts registered in Britain would not be entitled to fly any other flag, it would be difficult to secure by our legislation.

Amendment not moved.
Sections 3 to 10, inclusive, agreed to.
Amendments Nos. 2, 3 and 4 not moved.
Sections 11 to 15, inclusive, agreed to.
First and Second Schedules and Title agreed to.
Bill reported without amendment.
Question —"That the Bill be received for final consideration"— put and agreed to.
Question —"That the Bill do now pass"— put and agreed to.