Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Jun 1948

Vol. 111 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers - Queen Victoria Statue.

asked the Taoiseach if he is aware that the national feelings of the majority of Irishmen are outraged by the failure to remove the statue of a foreign monarch from the Quadrangle at Leinster House, and if he will state whether it is proposed to remove this statue at an early date.

A scheme, which was approved in September last, for the provision of parking accommodation for motor-cars at Leinster House involves the removal of the statue to which the Deputy refers, and it is anticipated that the work on the removal of the statue will begin early next month.

That is very gratifying to the Irish people.

Will the Taoiseach say why the work which was actually begun has been suspended?

I am not sure that the work has been suspended. There was a contract with the Commissioners of Public Works and it is under that contract that the work is going on.

Anyone approaching here could see that the work had been begun.

Why is there this excuse "to provide parking accommodation?" Why is not the real reason given?

I gave no such excuse in my reply. My reply involved no excuse whatever.

It was given by the previous Government.

I do not know. I thought you were referring to my reply.

The question was addressed to the present Taoiseach.
