Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 29 Jul 1948

Vol. 112 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Production of Creamery Butter.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state the amount of creamery butter produced in each of the months of May and June in 1947 and 1948.

The following are particulars of the amount of creamery butter produced during each of the months mentioned:











Arising out of the Minister's reply, is the Minister able to state whether at the moment, by virtue of the gesture made by the Mitchelstown and other creameries concerned, there will be enough butter to maintain the ration for the people during the coming winter?

I believe that, as a result of the arrangements made with the Mitchelstown and the other cheese producing creameries, we have succeeded in averting any serious unemployment that might have arisen in these creameries and at the same time have been taking the most effective measures to prevent a shortage of butter in the coming winter.

Will the Minister state, in view of the undue publicity that this matter got in the House last week, that it is his opinion that the Mitchelstown creameries, in conjunction with other creameries, did make a decent gesture to maintain the butter ration?

Despite the mischievous activities of Deputy Corry, all the creameries have proved co-operative in this matter.

The Minister has run away from the cheese the same as he has run away from the tomatoes, and now he can have a running jump for himself.
