Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 1 Mar 1950

Vol. 119 No. 7

Private Deputies' Business. - Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Bill, 1950—Second Stage.

This Bill was last introduced in this House on the 17th November, 1948. The Minister for Justice said then that he intended introducing a comprehensive measure covering the whole position as regards the licensing laws in this country as well as the position of rural opening. Before I go further, I would like to know if the Minister has any statement to make on that. If so, I would like to hear him.

The Minister has not heard your question.

When this Bill was previously before the House in November, 1948, the Minister made the statement that he intended to bring in a comprehensive measure, to revise and bring up to date the whole licensing laws as far as this country is concerned, and to deal with the position of rural opening. I would like to know now, before I proceed further, whether he has any statement to make on the matter, or what is the position.

On a point of order. This is the Second Reading I understand, of a Bill. Is it not only right that the grounds on which the Dáil should be asked to give a Second Reading to it would be given by the mover?

The Deputy is quite in order in asking what progress the Minister has made before proceeding with his measure.

With the permission of the Chair, I will make the following statement. This matter, and other matters relating to the licensing laws, have been under consideration in my Department, and I intend to submit to the Government a proposal for dealing with them. Until it has been considered by the Government I cannot disclose what my proposal is, but I would suggest to the Deputy that he might await developments before proceeding with this Bill.

In those circumstances, I ask that the Bill be adjourned until the Autumn so as to give the Minister an opportunity of bringing in his Bill and of enabling me to see how far it goes.

You cannot do that.

Deputy Corry wants an assurance that all the Ministers will vote together on this.

Deputy Moylan could ask that of his Ministers when he was in office.

The Deputy is entitled not to proceed now but to postpone the Bill to another date as happened before with the Betting Bill and other Bills.

I am prepared to take that step.

If you are postponing it, that will do without further speeches. The Deputy has not moved the Second Reading.

Ordered accordingly.

We will now take Motion No. 7, on List 7, in the name of Deputy O'Reilly.
