Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Nov 1950

Vol. 123 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Petitions for Sentence Remissions.

asked the Minister for Justice if he will state how many petitions for remission of sentences imposed by the courts have been made to his Department in each of the years 1940 to 1949.

Reliable records are not available for the years earlier than 1944. The figures for the years 1944 to date are:—1944, 1,924; 1945, 2,470; 1946, 3,000; 1947, 3,228; 1948, 3,470; 1949, 3,527; 1950 (to 30th September), 1,941.

Can the Minister say whether petitions received in the Department of Justice over the phone between 1940 and 1947 were recorded?
