Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1951

Vol. 124 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Turbary Rights.

asked the Minister for Lands whether he is aware that application was made a long time ago on behalf of former tenants of the Mahony estate living in Coomnakilla and adjacent townlands for turbary rights in the lands of Mr. Jeremiah O'Leary, Gerah, and if he will state the reason for the application not being successful.

The answer to the first part of the question is "Yes". The Land Commission considered the question of acquiring turbary on the lands of Mr. O'Leary but decided not to take any action in the matter.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state whether turbary rights for former tenants in the Mahony estate in Greenane, Temple-moe, etc., have yet been acquired in the lands of Mrs. Hannah O'Sullivan of Slieveduff, Greenane; and, if not, whether he will state the cause of the undue delay with regard to acquisition.

Proceedings have been instituted for the acquisition of turbary from Mrs. O'Sullivan but it is not at present possible to forecast the outcome. There has been no undue delay.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state whether arrangements are now complete for the acquisition of turbary rights in the lands of Mr. Daniel Falvey, Brackloon, Tahilla (Herd estate), for former tenants of the Herd and Mahony estates living in the neighbourhood.

The Land Commission have acquired 53 acres of turbary from Mr. Daniel Falvey.

asked the Minister for Lands whether he is aware that in the Land Commission estate, formerly Arthur Rose Vincent, C.B.E., there are four tenants whose holdings are being vested but have lodged an objection on the grounds that they have not been provided with turbary rights even though at the purchase they were promised that turbary would be made available to them, and that there is plenty of turbary available to them in Cullinagh (Tomies Mountain) provided the road leading thereto was repaired and a small bridge about 16 feet span built over the cascade; and, if so, whether he will grant those tenants and some other tenants of the same estate living in Fossa free turbary rights and so avoid further litigation.

The Land Commission did not undertake to provide turbary for the tenants on the Vincent estate and have no turbary on the estate available for allotment. Objections to vesting have been lodged by four tenants on the grounds that they have not been provided with rights of turbary. These objections will be listed for hearing by the Land Commission in due course.
