Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 15 Feb 1951

Vol. 124 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Drift Net Salmon Fishermen.

asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will consider treating drift net salmon fishermen on the Donegal coast as wage earners during the fishing period and not assess their takings against their means for the purpose of obtaining qualification certificates under the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1933; and, if necessary, do so by the introduction of proposals for legislation.

Fishermen who use their own boats or gear must be assessed with their net profits in the same way as other self-employed persons. The Deputy will appreciate that it would be inequitable to provide for preferential treatment in respect of a particular group or class.

Is the Minister aware that there is discrimination in so far as herring fishermen are concerned? Salmon fishermen are being victimised, whereas herring fishermen are being treated as employed during the period in which they are fishing.

There is a case law in all this matter. That case law has established this fact over the years, that fishermen who own their boats or gear are assessed on net profits, in the same way as any other self-employed person. The Deputy's question is that, while self-employed persons generally are assessed in the same way as fishermen who own their nets, boats or gear, for the first time, these fishermen should be exempt. This matter has been ruled on over and over again. If there is to be any reconsideration in the matter, it has to be not merely for fishermen but for anybody else who is self-employed.
