Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 6 Dec 1951

Vol. 128 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Kerry Works.

asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware of the urgent necessity to erect a small bridge and repair the accommodation road at Meeliguleen, Ballinskelligs, County Kerry; and, if so, if he will allocate a grant for the carrying through of the scheme at the earliest possible date.

The footbridge in question is a summer work and is not, therefore, suitable as an employment scheme. If the beneficiaries submit an application under the rural improvements scheme, the matter will be sympathetically considered. It was not possible to include the road work in the current winter's programme of employment schemes, as the amount available for the area has been allocated to other works which were considered to be more suitable.

asked the Minister for Finance whether he is aware of the urgent necessity for the erection of two small bridges at Cloon East and West, Glencar, County Kerry; and, if so, if he will sanction the allocation of the necessary grant for the carrying through of the scheme at an early date.

As the special employment schemes office is in the course of transfer to another building, the information required by the Deputy is not readily available at present. If the Deputy will be good enough to repeat the question in a week's time, I hope to be in a position to reply.
