Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Jun 1952

Vol. 132 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Territorial Fishing Limits.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state whether he has yet considered the effect of the judgment of the International Court of Justice at The Hague concerning the measurement and delimitation of territorial fishing limits; and, if so, what steps the Government propose to take in regard thereto.

Mr. Walsh

The position is still as stated in the reply given to the Deputy on 4th June.

Can the Minister indicate when he will have an opportunity of considering——

Mr. Walsh

I have nothing further to add at the moment.

Surely the Minister could indicate when the question may be repeated?

Mr. Walsh

There will not be any avoidable delay.

There has been already three months' delay.

Mr. Walsh

The position has not changed since I answered the Deputy's last question.

The position is that the Minister has not considered the matter in the course of the last three months?

Mr. Walsh

It has been considered.

asked the Minister for Agriculture if, in view of the fact that our territorial waters would be extended to the extent of 3,003 square miles approximately by our following the recent decision of The Hague International Court, he will take immediate steps to apply the decision to this country.

Mr. Walsh

I understand that the Hague Court decision does not relate to the question of the extent of territorial waters but to the definition of exclusive fishery limits.

The official text of the decision is at present being studied with a view to ascertaining if it establishes any new principles of international law of general application.

I understood the Minister to say in answer to the previous question that he was not considering the question?

Mr. Walsh

Your hearing is bad.

Your voice is bad. You have evidently been campaigning.

He lost it shouting, "Up Kilkenny", on Sunday.

That is a better occupation than shouting, "Up the Budget".

asked the Minister for Agriculture whether he has had prepared a map of Ireland showing the base line of our territorial waters together with a line demarcating our territorial fishing limits measured on the basis of the recent decision of the International Court of Justice at The Hague; and, if so, if he will arrange to have a copy of this map placed in the Oireachtas Library for the information of Deputies.

Mr. Walsh

A map of the kind referred to has not been prepared and I cannot agree that, in present circumstances, such a map would serve any useful purpose.
