Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 15 Jul 1952

Vol. 133 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Fishery Limits.

asked the Minister for External Affairs whether the intensive study undertaken by his Department of the judgment of the International Court of Justice at The Hague of the 18th December, 1951, in the dispute between Britain and Norway concerning Norway's exclusive fishery limits and base line, and to which he referred in a reply to a question on the 27th May, 1952, has yet been concluded; and, if so, whether the results of this examination have been conveyed to the Ministers for Agriculture and for Defence.

The answer to both parts of the Deputy's question is in the affirmative.
