I move that leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to amend the Courts of Justice Acts, 1924 to 1949, and other enactments.
This is in substitution for No. 19 which I ask leave to withdraw.
Vol. 139 No. 11
I move that leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to amend the Courts of Justice Acts, 1924 to 1949, and other enactments.
This is in substitution for No. 19 which I ask leave to withdraw.
Does this mean that the Minister is accepting the recommendations of the Joint Committee?
Not altogether—most of them. There were also some other amendments suggested by the Bar Association.
Is the retrospective clause in respect of payment to district justices being accepted?
It is not.
Can the Minister say when we will get this Bill? I am rather distributed by what the Minister has said.
At the week-end.
I hope we are not going to be thrown back to where we started.
I do not think so.
With regard to the Minister's statement that he is not accepting the retrospective clause, may I ask whether the Government hasgiven any consideration to the undertakings given to the district justices in a formal way beforehand?
We gave a lot of consideration to them, but, in any event, we can debate it when the Bill comes before us.