Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Jul 1953

Vol. 141 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions Oral Answers. - Land Project Schemes (County Dublin).

asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will state how many applications were received from farmers in County Dublin under the land project scheme during the years 1951, 1952 and 1953 to date, and how many schemes have been carried out in these years.

Mr. Walsh

I would refer the Deputy to the detailed statistical returns furnished quarterly for the information of Deputies. The next return will be available about the end of this week. As already stated in reply to similar questions the compilation of special statistical data other than as given in these returns would entail an additional volume of work on the staff of the Land Reclamation Division which I feel would not be justified.
