Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Aug 1953

Vol. 141 No. 9

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Drainage of County Tipperary River.

asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will request Bord na Móna to fulfil the obligation regarding the completion of the drainage of a river at Lisheen Mayne, County Tipperary, known as the Ballyesk river which is causing flooding of the roadway and farmers' land in this locality.

While I must make it clear that this is a matter in which I have no function, I have had inquiriesmade in regard to it. I am informed by Bord na Móna that the area in question has always been liable to flooding and that the board's operations, while greatly improving the condition of the upper portion of the river, do not contribute in any way to the conditions complained of in the lower portion. The board do not regard themselves as having any obligation in the matter.

My information is that Bord na Móna, some few months ago, admitted that they would carry on drainage of the lower part of this river which is causing considerable flooding of the road and land in the locality. Will the Minister see that that will be carried out?

Bord na Móna have no responsibility for taking action to prevent flooding in areas where they are not operating.

They have admitted this to the people concerned. In fact, I have been in communication with the board and they have admitted that they have responsibility.

The board carried out certain works in this river as agents for the Land Commission.
