Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 28 Oct 1954

Vol. 147 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Proposed Dungarvan National Schools.

asked the Minister for Education if he will state when it is expected that the proposed new boys' and girls' national school at Abbey-side, Dungarvan, will be offered for contract.

I regret that I am not in a position to say when a contract may be placed for the erection of the new schools to replace the present Abbey-side boys' and girls' national schools.

I informed the Deputy in reply to his previous question on the 14th July, 1954, that a grant has been sanctioned by my Department towards the cost of the new schools.

I am now informed that it has not yet been possible to complete the working drawings, the preparation of which is the first step in the arrangements leading to the erection of the schools. This delay arises from the heavy programme of work which our allocations for new schools and extensions have involved for the Office of Public Works.

All I can say at present is that every effort will be made to have the necessary arrangements for these new schools dealt with as expeditiously as possible.

Is the Minister aware that 105 boys and girls must be crammed into a small room while officials are working out drawings for the past six months? Is it not correct to say that if this was private enterprise it would be done within one month? Surely the Minister must take a more serious view of the matter?

I take a serious view of delays in providing schools, particularly where there is overcrowding of the type about which the Deputy complains. I am disappointed that it has taken so long to prepare the working drawings in this particular case and I will do the best I can with the Office of Public Works to ensure that the working drawings are prepared without very much further delay and that anything else that can reasonably be done to speed up the progress in the building of these schools will be done.
