Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 6 Jun 1956

Vol. 157 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Afforestation in West Cork.

asked the Minister for Lands if he will state, in detail, in respect of each district in the West Cork constituency (a) the area of land acquired for afforestation, (b) the area of land in respect of which negotiations, for acquisition are in progress, and (c) the areas where work is likely to commence during the current year.

Acquisition statistics kept by the Forestry Division are on a county basis and I regret I have not the figures for the area requested by the Deputy. Taking the entire County Cork, therefore, the total area acquired is 38,033 acres; the area for which negotiations are in progress is 5,696 acres and offers totalling a further 7,543 acres have been accepted and title is under investigation.

Among the properties of forests in South West Cork at which work is being commenced during the current season are Cloontycarthy and Gortafludig of Inchigeelagh forest; Carrigagulla, Rahalisk and Ummera of Macroom forest; Brade of Roscarbery forest, as well as the recently opened centre at Glengarriff.

I could not attempt to forecast what further new areas, if any, may be acquired and have work started during the current year.
