Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 15 Apr 1958

Vol. 167 No. 1

Committee on Finance. - Agriculture (Amendment) Bill, 1958—Money Resolution.

I move:—

That it is expedient to authorise such payments out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas as are necessary to give effect to any Act of the present session to amend and extend the Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1955.

Can the Minister give any indication of the amount to the Exchequer apart from the amount to the local authorities likely to be involved in this Money Resolution?

I do not think it really means anything except to the extent that the local bodies might increase the rates.

But surely a Money Resolution here is not necessary for an increase in rates by the local bodies? Surely a Money Resolution must affect only the amount that comes out of the Central Fund?

There is no amount——

I am sorry if the Minister misunderstands me. I cannot visualise any difference in the cost of administering the Acts as they are and the cost of administering the Acts after this is passed if the Money Resolution is, as I believe it is, purely for the purpose of meeting administrative costs in the Minister's own Department. So far as the additional cost by way of rates is concerned I do not think the Money Resolution has any relevance. I think that is a matter that is dealt with without the Money Resolution as such. It may be that the Money Resolution is only put in to stop any possible loophole that somebody has not seen. If so, well and good.

That is all it could be.

That is all I think it could be.

Question put and agreed to.
Resolution reported and agreed to.