Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Oct 1959

Vol. 177 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Kildare Planting Operations.


asked the Minister for Lands whether the Land Commission propose to continue planting operations on the Healy Estate at Ballyteague North, Naas, County Kildare.

In 1951 the Forestry Division of my Department acquired 208 acres of the Healy Estate from the Land Commission for forestry purposes. An adjoining area of 69 acres was acquired from another owner in 1955. All the available productive land comprised in both these areas has been planted.

An offer of a further area of 22 acres in the same district has been received and negotiations for its purchase will be opened in the near future.

Do I take it that it is not proposed to plant any more of the Healy Estate?

It would appear from the information at my disposal that the plantable area has already been planted.


asked the Minister for Lands what area of land is (1) in the hands of his Department available for planting, and (2) offered for planting in (a) the Monasterevan area and (b) the Rathangan area.

In the Monasterevan area the Forestry Division of my Department has acquired a total productive area of 2,371 acres of which a total of 2,055 acres has been planted to date, leaving a balance of 316 acres unplanted. Of the unplanted area, 133 acres at Moore Abbey and Maddenstown are scheduled for planting in the current season.

20 areas totalling 520 acres have been offered for afforestation purposes in the Monasterevan district. Agreement to purchase 4 cases comprising 110 acres has been reached with the owners and title is being cleared. Negotiations for the purchase of a further area of 13 acres are in progress. Preliminary investigations are being conducted in the remaining cases.

In the Rathangan area the productive area acquired for State forestry amounts to 978 acres of which a total of 773 acres has been planted so far. Of the unplanted balance of 205 acres, the planting of 181 acres at Christianstown and Oldgrange will be undertaken this winter.

The Forestry Division has received three offers of land comprising 235 acres in the Rathangan area. These cases are still at the preliminary stages of investigation.

Can the Minister say when there is any likelihood of the investigation being concluded?

All I can say is that we are most anxious to get the case examined and in so far as it can be expedited I shall endeavour to have that done.
