Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 18 Nov 1959

Vol. 178 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - State Pension Increases: Date of Payment.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will state from what date increases to members of the Garda Síochána and other State pensioners will take effect under the provisions of the Pensions Increase Bill, 1959; and whether the United Kingdom Government have undertaken responsibility for payment of a similar increase with effect from the same date to former members of the Dublin Metropolitan Police who retired with compensation under Article 10 of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921; and when such payment will be made.

The pension increases for which provision is being made in the Pensions (Increase) Bill, 1959, will be payable to ex-members of the Garda Síochána and other State pensioners with effect from the 1st August, 1959. The British Government have agreed to meet the cost of similar increases, payable as from the same date, to the former members of the Dublin Metropolitan Police who retired with compensation under Article 10 of the Treaty. It is expected that most of these increases will be paid by the end of this month.
