asked the Minister for Local Government whether he is aware that in the City of Dublin inspectors had already completed one month's work in connection with the compilation of the electoral register, on the basis of persons being twenty-one years of age on 15th September last, before they received instructions that the register was to be prepared on the basis of persons reaching the age of twenty-one years before 15th April next; and what steps will be taken to ensure that the dwellings inspected prior to the issue of the notice to the inspectors will be again inspected for the purpose of obtaining information on persons who will reach the age of twenty-one before 15th April next.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dublin Electoral Register.
Mr. Ryan
I am aware that in Dublin city inspectors had partly completed the work of visiting households in connection with the revision of the register of electors before a request was issued by my Department that particulars should be compiled of persons, otherwise qualified, who will reach the age of 21 years between the 16th September last and the 15th April, 1961, inclusive. I understand that if the preparation of the electors lists for Dublin city were to be held up until the inspectors could call again to all households visited prior to that request it would not be possible to have the lists published on the date prescribed by statute, November 24th, and that it is not proposed to re-inspect these cases. I am informed, however, that the Registration Officer has acted in accordance with the suggestion made in my Department's circular letter of 13th September last that the widest possible publicity should be given to the desirability of persons in the age-group concerned entering claims to be registered.
Mr. Ryan
In view of the grave importance of this matter, will the Minister take steps to see that even subsequent to 24th November, those houses which were inspected prior to the direction from his Department will be directly notified, either by personal calls by inspectors or by notice, that while people in those households under 21 years of age might not be on the register as published, they have a right to have their names entered on it, because, as things stand, the likelihood is that they will not exercise the right? In view of the fact that next year will probably be an election year, it is most important.
The Deputy is making something very like a speech.
Might I say it was because I thought the matter was important that I took the steps which I took? Those steps could not have been taken earlier in order to get in the Dublin city people, who are really the only people in trouble. That difficulty was not of my making. Furthermore, I might say in regard to the register of electors and the preparation of lists, that it is a matter which comes within the province of the returning officer and the distance I can go to ensure that that course is taken is rather doubtful. I have gone as far as I can go and if it will allay the Deputy's worries, I might also say that over the next few months every possible means of publicity will be brought to bear on this subject by me and by my Department and by any other agency we might employ. The overall position is that we did what we could because we felt the matter is important. We cannot compel the returning officer to do this, that or the other, but in the main the responsibility is his and the returning officers have co-operated fully with the request that was made. We cannot hold them responsible for what was not done before the request was made and if the facts are gone into, as they will be later on in the House in relation to the electoral law, it will be seen that I cannot be held responsible, either.