Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 22 Feb 1962

Vol. 193 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Protected Industries.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will list the industries in this country at present protected by (a) quotas and (b) tariffs; and if he will state in each case how the operation of these quotas and tariffs would be affected by being brought into line with the present tariff position obtaining in the European Economic Community.

Particulars of the commodities subject to tariffs and quotas are given in the publication entitled "Customs and Excise Tariff" issued under the authority of the Revenue Commissioners. A copy of this publication is available in the Oireachtas library.

The present position obtaining in the European Economic Community in regard to industrial goods is that tariffs have been reduced by 40 per cent. and that quotas have been eliminated.

In the statement made to the Ministers of the Governments of the Member States on the 18th January, the Taoiseach stated that in respect of protective tariffs the Irish Government would hope that the Member States would find it possible to agree to an appropriate general rhythm of tariff reductions to operate from the date of Ireland's accession to the end of the transitional period. On quotas, he stated that it is intended to replace industrial quantitative restrictions as soon as possible by tariffs.

Do we take it that the present policy of the Government, in anticipation of our being accepted as a member of EEC, is to begin this process of a reduction in tariffs?

Yes. Even in advance of our application for membership, the Industrial Development Authority had started a review of certain commodities protected by tariff.

I understand there is a periodic review?

This is a continual process started following the 1960 Trade Agreement.

Has it been accelerated since our application for membership?

It is hard to accelerate because the difficulties of a lot of interests have to be taken into account, those of our own manufacturers, their British competitors and, to some extent, the difficulties of the consumers.

When we are accepted as members of EEC will there be acceleration?

Whatever regulation of the tariff rules is negotiated, we will have to conform to that.
