Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Jul 1962

Vol. 196 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Land Holdings of Non-Nationals.


asked the Minister for Lands the number of holdings and total acreage thereof held by non-nationals in (1) County Kildare, (2) the Meath section of the Kildare constituency, and (3) the Westmeath section of the Kildare constituency.

Records for the period prior to 1st August, 1961, are not available. As regards (1), since 1st August, 1961, the total area purchased in Co. Kildare by non-nationals—as recorded by the Land Commission under the procedure authorised by Sections 33, 34 and 35 of the Finance Act, 1961—and upon which the 25% rate of Stamp Duty has been payable, is 665 acres comprising 3 properties.

In addition, 10 acres comprising two transactions, were acquired in Co. Kildare for purposes of industry other than agriculture: and 45 acres, comprising two further transactions, were acquired for other purposes but exempted from duty under the relevant exemption sections of the Finance Act, 1961.

As records are kept on a county basis, separate statistics for the areas mentioned at (2) and (3) are not readily available. If the Deputy requires particulars in respect of Counties Meath and Westmeath as a whole, I shall have them forwarded to him.

Would the Minister say from what date these records are operative or whether he has even any estimate of the purchases of land by non-nationals, prior to the date which he quoted in his reply?

The records are operative, certain and statutory since 1st August, 1961, so that since that date we know every single transaction that has occurred everywhere in this State.

Has the Minister any estimate in respect of these three areas prior to August, 1961?

I have not got it readily available but we did, from time to time, keep any kind of check that was possible. All I can say is that, as I said in reply to a question, I think by Deputy Lynch some time ago, these figures that we have since records have been kept disclose that the number of transactions and the amount of land involved are infinitesimal, so far as the country as a whole is concerned. I believe that prior to this law being enacted the picture was the same and that the whole business was largely exaggerated.

If the Minister has the estimate of transactions prior to August, 1961, would he be good enough to send it to me or shall I put down a Question?

I shall send it to the Deputy but he will appreciate that we could not certify these figures.

I will treat it just as an estimate.

I shall send it to the Deputy.
