asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he will assure the public that there is no danger in the use of turf briquettes as a fuel for ordinary fires; what research and experiments have been carried out to ensure this; and if he can allay public fear on the question of whether the burning of briquettes leaves a coating of inflammable substance on chimneys.
Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Use of Turf Briquettes.
I am informed by Bord na Móna that they are satisfied that there is no more danger in the use of peat briquettes as a fuel for ordinary fires than in the use of any other solid fuel.
Bord na Móna state that the question of chimney deposit is receiving constant attention at their experimental station and that results of this investigation are available in the form of a pamphlet which can be obtained from the Board on request.
The Board are not aware of any widespread fears on the possibility of briquettes leaving a coating of inflammable substance on chimneys and, indeed, the present unprecedented demand for briquettes is an indication to the contrary.