Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Nov 1964

Vol. 212 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - North Dublin Refuse Dumping.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he is aware of the fact that indiscriminate dumping of refuse is being practised on the verges of the road leading from the main Balbriggan road through Bog of Ring to Ring-Commons; and that representations made to Dublin County Council failed to secure any abatement of this nuisance which occurs in places adjacent to Balbriggan water pumping station; and, if so, if he will take immediate steps to have a stop put to this undesirable practice.

I understand that the position is as stated by the Deputy and I have had the matter brought to the notice of the sanitary authority who, I am informed, are taking whatever steps are practicable to deal with it. The steps to be taken will include measures to protect the Balbriggan water pumping station.

I could not hear that reply at all. A little more effort would be appreciated.

Not more effort, whatever about more volume.

If the Minister removed his files from the——

The microphone.

You want somebody to hold them?

There is no doubt the Minister is a master of discourtesy.

There is one here. May I repeat the answer?

I did not hear it. I want to hear the answer; that is why I put down the question.

The Deputy was not here.

I was here.

He was in just in time.

I have no hesitation in repeating the answer.

The Minister may repeat it, if he wishes.

I understand that the position is as stated by the Deputy and I have had the matter brought to the notice of the sanitary authority who, I am informed, are taking whatever steps are practicable to deal with it. The steps to be taken will include measures to protect the Balbriggan water pumping station.

Thank you very much.
