andMr. Gilhawley asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that the farms in the vioinity of the Lisadell Estate are mainly uneconomic and that lands on the estate are going to waste; and if there have been any developments in regard to this estate since a reply of 23rd November 1965.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Sligo Estate.
Mr. McLaughlin
The Land Commission are aware generally of the position regarding this estate. The dealings referred to in my reply to Deputy Gilhawley's previous question on 23rd November last are continuing.
Could the Minister not arrange to do something about this, knowing as he does that there are hundreds of small farmers whose land is worn out, so to speak, from continued tillage and the small acreage on which they work. Thousands of acres are lying idle year after year while these people have to suffer the hardship of going maybe ten miles to rent a small portion of land. The Deputies from the constituency attended a meeting there recently, and this is an alternative which we were asked to put before the Minister until final arrangements are reached in court——
The Deputy is making a speech.
——that the land be rented to these people.
The Deputy knows the legal position in regard to this, and it is hoped the matter will be concluded as early as possible. It is not possible for the Minister for Lands, or even the Land Commission, to say when the matter will be finally concluded. The Deputy is well aware of the special position regarding this estate.