Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 23 Jun 1966

Vol. 223 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway School.


asked the Minister for Education the position regarding the proposed new school at Triehill, Ballygar, County Galway.

The matter of the educational facilities to be provided for the children of Triehill school district has been thoroughly investigated. Having given the fullest consideration to all the facts disclosed by the investigational, I am satisfied that the educational interests of these children would best be served by conveying them to the larger school at Ballygar in the same parish and, accordingly, that the provision of a two-teacher school at Triehill should not be proceeded with.

Is the Minister aware that the parents of these children wish to have a new school built at Triehill to accommodate their children, and that they have no wish whatsoever that their children should be sent or transported to a bigger school at Ballygar?

I am aware that some people in the area have expressed that opinion. I am not aware that it is the unanimous view of the parents by any means.

If it were the unanimous view of the parents, would the Minister reconsider his decision?

I suggest that before that stage is reached the parents concerned might like to request that the matter be discussed with them.

Does the Minister appreciate that, as a general rule, parents living in rural areas think it undesirable that very young children should be brought into town by transport provided, with consequent risk to children in travelling and one thing and another, and would he keep that fact in mind in reviewing these cases as they arise?

I am aware that a number of people have this fear in regard to the younger children. I am also aware of the fact that when the actual position and the arrangements that are made are explained, most of these people are not as apprehensive in the matter as they were before.
