Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 20 Jul 1967

Vol. 230 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Inclusion of Firm on Combined Purchasing List.


asked the Minister for Local Government why the products of a firm (name supplied) are not listed by the combined purchasing section of his Department.

This firm's application for appointment as an official contractor under the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Act, 1939, for the 12 months period from 1st July, 1967, was considered on its merits, in conjunction with the other applications received, and the applications were reviewed by the Local Supplies Advisory Committee, but the appointment of the firm was not judged to be warranted. Representations from the firm are at present under consideration.

I assume that when the Minister says representations are under consideration he means under consideration by his office?

By the Committee.

Would he ask the Committee to bear in mind that this firm is the contractor to the National Army for these products and is in fact exporting a considerable amount of these products to other countries? Would he ask the Committee to take every step to see that a firm such as this, which gives a fair amount of employment in the constituency of County Dublin, should be given equal treatment with others, particularly as it would appear it is the only firm making these products in the country? If they do not accept that this is a suitable firm for inclusion on the combined purchasing list, at least they might say why.

They will take everything into consideration, including what the Deputy has said, and also the question of the past record of the firm in regard to satisfactory supply and quality.

Would the Minister let me know the outcome of the consideration?

I will, yes.
