Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Nov 1968

Vol. 236 No. 14

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Leitrim Impersonation Complaint.


asked the Minister for Justice if he has received complaints about impersonation in County Leitrim in the recent referendum; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

No complaint in this regard has been received in my Department but a verbal complaint was made on 16th October to the local superintendent of the Garda Síochána who had the matter investigated. He then followed the usual course, in matters of this kind, of submitting the complaint and the results of the Garda investigation to the State Solicitor.

Do I take it that there will be a prosecution in this case or will it be cloaked up?

The Deputy can take exactly what I have said. The complaint made on 16th October has been investigated by the Garda and it has been submitted to the law officers. It is now a question for the law officers to determine whether there will be a prosecution.

(Cavan): Has a report been sent to the Minister?

It was referred to the State Solicitor which is the normal practice. It is a question for him or the Attorney General to determine whether there will be a prosecution.

(Cavan): I take it that it has not been determined yet?

So far as I know the law officers have not been advised by the State Solicitor so far.

May I take it that the Minister will interest himself in this?

If I interested myself in it the Deputy would be making charges of political corruption in this House.

He would not be far wrong.

Question No. 32.

(Cavan): Arising out of that——

I have called Question No. 32.

(Cavan): Just one supplementary. Would the Minister see that this is clarified and a decision taken on it before certain post office appointments are made?

The Deputy is again trying to get in a typical Fine Gael backhander. When he discovers that this matter has not come to me officially he tries to get off that angle, and he wants to try to embroil me in the matter so that he can make charges of alleged political interference.
